
Title: Alice Cooper – Raise the Dead – Live from Wacken
Released: 2014
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Glam Metal, Shock Rock
Artists: Alice Cooper – vocals; Chuck Garric – bass; Orianthi – guitar; Ryan Roxie – guitar; Tommy Henriksen – guitar; Glen Sobel – drums

Released: UDR
Duration: 1:28:03
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio Codec: DTS, AC-3, PCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 25015 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16: 9 / High Profile 4.1
# 1 Audio: English Dolby Digital 5.1 / 48 kHz / 448 kbps
Audio # 2: English Dolby Digital 2.0 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps
Audio # 3: English LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Size: 23.3 GiB

With Raise The Dead – Live From Wacken the label is also starting a new live series of legendary Wacken performances. When Alice learned about the purpose behind it, he was very happy to be one the first to participate and support the Wacken Foundation.
The Wacken Foundation is a non-profit organization, supporting the new blood of hard rock / heavy and metal music. For every sold DVD/CD € 1,–will be contributed to the Wacken Foundation.
Alice Cooper , a household name, not much has to be said about this incredible artist whose career spans five decades by now. He has been named one of the world’s most beloved entertainers. He is credited with helping to shape the sound and look of heavy metal and has been described as the artist who first introduced horror imagery to rock’n’roll, and whose stagecraft and showmanship have permanently transformed the genre. The ‘Godfather of Shock Rock’ has inspired many other artists due to his theatrical stage performances; e.g.: Kiss, Marilyn Manson and even Ozzy Osbourne – just to name a few.
Raise The Dead contains 22 songs from the Wacken concert and bonus material shows an interview with the man himself…. a phenomenal stage show, one the biggest entertainers ever! Just enjoy the show!


01. Hello Hooray 02:40
02. House Of Fire 03:30
03. No More Mr Nice Guy 03:03
04. Under My Wheels 02:54
05. I ll Bite Your Face Off 04:20
06. Billion Dollar Babies 03:33
07. Caffeine 04:16
08. Department Of Youth 03:08
09. Hey Stoopid 04:31
10. Dirty Diamonds 08:31
11. Welcome To My Nightmare 03:15
12. Go To Hell 03:43
13. He s Back (The Man Behind The Mask) 03:54
14. Feed My Frankenstein 05:00
15. Ballad Of Dwight Fry 04:37
16. Killer 01:21
17. I Love The Dead 02:01
18. Break On Through 03:27
19. My Generation 03:03
20. I m Eighteen 03:54
21. Poison 06:09
22. Schools Out / Another Brick In The Wall 07:27
• Interview

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