Eva Marton, Tatiana Troyanos, Richard Cassilly, and Bernd Weikl star in this 1982 Otto Schenk Metropolitan Opera production of the Wagner opera conducted by James Levine.
[Video Information]
Codec: MPG2 – Built-in FFmpeg Decoder(mpeg2video)
Input type: MPG2(0 bits)
Input size: 720 × 480(1.33:1)
Output type: NV12(12 bits)
Output size: 720 × 480(1.33:1)
Frame rate: 30 fps
[Audio Information]
Codec: DVD LPCM(0xe06d8032) – DVD LPCM Decoder
Sample rate: 48000 -> 48000 samples/sec
Bits per sample: 16 -> 16 bits/sample
Channels: 2 -> 2 channels
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