
Title: Alcatrazz – Live In Japan 1984 Complete Edition
Release Date: 2018
Genre: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal

Production/Label: Ear Music
Duration: 01:28:10
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: PCM, DTS-HD
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 18000 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.14.1
Audio#1: DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 7198 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio#2: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 19,87 GB

The definitive version of the legendary 1984 Japan tour is unveiled with fully restored and remastered sound, in a previously unreleased full concert form.
Alcatrazz featuring the star vocalist Graham Bonnet (ex-Rainbow and The Michael Schenker Group) and the young guitar genius Yngwie J. Malmsteen toured Japan in early 1984, and the band’s performance at the prestigious Nakano Sun Plaza in Tokyo on 28th January was released in Japan as a home video.
During a thorough excavation of the vaults, the original 24 channel audio multitrack was miraculously discovered – remixes and digital remasterings were made to recreate the sheer brilliance of the original live performance. You will find yourself in the very first row of Nakano Sun Plaza in 1984.
The complete performance is here – from the opening frenzy of ‘Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live’, to ‘Island In The Sun’ and ‘Hiroshima Mon Amour’ from Alcatrazz’s debut album “No Parole From Rock ‘n’ Roll”. The band revisits Bonnet’s repertoire from the Rainbow days including ‘All Night Long’, ‘Since You Been Gone’ and ‘Lost In Hollywood’, plus ‘Desert Song’ by The Michael Schenker Group and Graham’s solo hit ‘Night Games’.
And we witness the dawn of the new guitar god in the presence of the 20 year-old Yngwie J. Malmsteen. His guitar wizardry shines throughout, including his solo instrumentals ‘Evil Eye’ and ‘Coming Bach’.
The excerpt of the show was released as the live album “Live Sentence”, with cuts and overdubs – now we get to experience the concert in its entirety. For those who were there, and those who were born too late, this is a great opportunity to time warp yourself to where it all started.


1. Opening (Live in Japan 1984) 01:16
2. Too Young to Die, Too Drunk to Live (Live in Japan 1984) 05:02
3. Hiroshima Mon Amour (Live in Japan 1984) 04:24
4. Night Games (Live in Japan 1984) 03:14
5. Big Foot (Live in Japan 1984) 04:53
6. Island in the Sun (Live in Japan 1984) 04:09
7. Kree Nakoorie (Live in Japan 1984) 07:37
8. Coming Bach (Live in Japan 1984) 03:48
9. Since You Been Gone (Live in Japan 1984) 03:56
10. Suffer Me (Live in Japan 1984) 04:54
11. Desert Song (Live in Japan 1984) 05:40
12. Jet to Jet (Live in Japan 1984) 05:07
13. Evil Eye (Live in Japan 1984) 05:35
14. Guitar Crash (Live in Japan 1984) 04:40
15. All Night Long (Live in Japan 1984) 07:09
16. Lost in Hollywood (Live in Japan 1984) 07:33
17. Kojo No Tsuki (Live in Japan 1984) 01:35
18. Something Else (Live in Japan 1984) 03:28

Graham Bonnet – Vocals
Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar
Gary Shea – Bass
Jan Uvena – Drums
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards

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