
Title: Deep Purple – From The Setting Sun … (In Wacken)

Release Date: 2013
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock

Artist: Ian Paice – drums, percussion; Ian Gillan – vocals, harmonica, percussion; Roger Glover – bass; Steve Morse – guitar; Don Airey – organ, keyboards

Production/Label: Earmusic
Duration: 01:35:29
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: DTS, PCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC 17993 kbps 1080p / 23,976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio#1: DTS-HD MA 5.1 / 48 kHz / 2676 kbps / 16-bit
Audio#2: DTS-HD MA 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1359 kbps / 16-bit
Subtitles: none
Size: 22.82 GB

Wacken Open Air quickly grew its reputation as the most important metal festival in continental Europe. A peaceful gathering of metal fans coming from all over the world. Long hair, leather clothes, mud and a lot of fun for what seems to be the closest music to resemble the spirit of festivals in the early seventies. They often say that there is no headliner at Wacken: the festival itself is the headliner. This is the exact feeling that Purple had when walking onstage. If an indoor show can be based on a production that is safely rehearsed and set up to the maximum precision… there is never the guarantee that a festival performance will be free from technical issues or any kind of unexpected event. Which in other words means: tension is always at the top! If only Purple knew about the level of love and welcoming they were about to receive and how much their album has been loved by the metal audience in front of them… still, the band felt the “pressure” to introduce themselves to the 90.000 metal fans at Wacken. For the first time in many years, Deep Purple felt they had to conquer an audience as it happened to them in the beginning of their career. The result is a unique concert: Deep Purple performing with a raw energy, throwing away all their usual stage routine (and sometime arrangements). The show is a blast from the first note to the last and grows song after song, supported by the audience impressive presence. During this concert, Deep Purple left their “safe zone”. That is why this concert is the one that represents a feeling of improvisation and electricity similar to the band’s classic years – more than many other live releases by the band. The show has been filmed by 9 HD cameras and it is also available in 3D on the Blu-ray version (the first time for Deep Purple). The audio has been mixed in Hamburg, Germany by Eike Freese and Alex Dietz (Heaven Shall Burn) with the supervision of Roger Glover


01. Highway Star
02. Into The Fire
03. Hard Lovin’ Man
04. Vincent Price
05. Strange Kind of Woman
06. Contact Lost
07. The Well-Dressed Guitar
08. Hell To Pay
09. Lazy
10. Above And Beyond
11. No One Came
12. Don Airey’s Solo
13. Perfect Strangers
14. Space Truckin’
15. Smoke On The Water feat.Uli Jon Roth
16. Green Onions / Hush
17. Black Night

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