
Title: Devin Townsend – Order Of Magnitude: Empath Live Volume 1
Release Date: 2020
Genre: Rock

Production/Label:Inside Out
Duration: 01:52:52+00:46:01
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: DTS, PCM
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 25999 kbps / 1080i / 29,970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio#1: DTS-HD Master Audio / English / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4853 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio#2: LPCM Audio / English / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 37.72 GB

On a strange night in December 2019, Devin Townsend brought his high wire act to The Roundhouse, a converted railway shed in Camden, North London. It was the penultimate show of the tour in support of his latest album, the breath-takingly intricate and ambitious Empath, which itself found the man who made it consciously throwing off the artistic shackles he’d spent the past two decades wrapping around himself. This was Devin Townsend without a safety net, as captured on the brand new Blu-Ray/DVD ‘Order of Magnitude – Empath Live Volume 1’. The incredible line-up included guitarists Mike Kenneally (ex-Frank Zappa) and Markus Reuter (Stick Men,The Crimson Projekct), drummer Morgen Agren (Kaipa, Mats & Morgan, Frank Zappa), bassist Nathan Navarro, Haken keyboard player Diego Tejeida, and guitarist/vocalist Che Aimee Dorval, as well as vocalists Samantha & Anne Preis and Arabella Packford. ‘Order of Magnitude’ is his crowning glory. After a lifetime of caring – sometimes too much – this is Devin Townsend free and unchained, rising to yet another challenge that he had set. Available as a Limited Deluxe 2CD+Blu-Ray+DVD Artbook (with expanded artwork), 2CD+DVD Digipak, Standalone Blu-Ray, Limited 3LP+2CD Boxset & as Digital Album. DVD + Blu-Ray include 5.1 mix and Blu-Ray includes bonus documentary.


1 Intro
2 Borderlands
3 Evermore
4 War
5 Sprite
6 Gigpig Jam
7 Coast
8 Gato
9 Heavens End
10 Ain’t Never Gonna Win
11 Deadhead
12 Why?
13 Lucky Animals
14 Castaway / Genesis
15 Spirits Will Collide
16 Disco Inferno
17 Kingdom

Concert Documentary

Recorded on December 12th, 2019 at The Roundhouse, Camden, London, United Kingdom

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