
Artist: Devin Townsend
Title Of Album: Empath – The Ultimate Edition
Year Of Release: 2020
Label: InsideOutMusic
Country: Canada
Genre: Progressive Metal
Quality: Blu-Ray 1080i
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 17931 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: DTS-HD MA 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4450 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio: LPCM 5.1 / 48 kHz / 6912 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Time: 1:14:02+1:31:06
Full Size: 57 GB

‘Empath – The Ultimate Edition’ is the definitive version of Devin Townsend’s acclaimed 2019 album Empath. Featuring the original album & bonus disc, it also includes 2 Blu-Ray discs, the first of which contains a brand new 5.1 surround sound mix by Devin, as well as visuals for each track on the main album, plus a visualizer for the stereo version of the album. The second blu-ray disc contains ‘Acoustically Inclined – Live in Leeds’, a live show filmed during the April 2019 acoustic tour, as well as the Empath Documentary, ‘Genesis’ 5.1 mixing lesson, acoustic gear tour, a full Empath album commentary, and a video for the bonus track ‘King’. This is all contained within a hardback artbook with expanded artwork and photos, as well as new liner notes by Dave Everley.

Castaway 2:29
Genesis 6:06
Drums: Anup, Morgan & Samus
Bass: Nathan
Additional Vox: Elektra, Che & Elliot
Additional Guitar And Keys: Mike Keneally

Spirits Will Collide 4:40
Drums: Anup
Bass: Dev
Additional Vox: Elektra And Elliot

Evermore 5:30
Drums: Anup
Bass: Nathan And Dev
Additional Vox: Elektra And Elliot

Sprite 6:37
Drums: Morgan Bass: Dev
Additional Vox: Elektra, Elliot, Josefa & Nolly

Hear Me 6:30
Drums: Samus
Bass: Dev
Additional Vox: Anneke Van Giersbergen And Chad Kroeger

Why? 4:59
Drums: Morgan
Bass: Nathan
Additional Vox: Elektra And Elliot
Additional Guitar And Keys: Mike Keneally

Borderlands 11:03
Drums: Anup And Morgan
Bass: Dev And Nathan
Additional Vox: Elektra, Jessica, Eric Severinsen, Zim, Mike Keneally & Jess Vaira
Additional Guitar And Keys: Mike Keneally, Scott Reinson & Ryan Dahle

Requiem 2:47
Vox: Elektra

Singularity 23:32
Drums: Anup, Morgan & Samus
Bass: Dev And Nathan
Additional Vox: Elektra, Anneke And Elliot
Whistles: Callum
Additional Guitar And Keys: Steve Vai And Mike Keneally

Acoustically Inclined in Leeds
Let It Roll
Solar Winds
Thing Beyond Things
Full Album Commentary
‘Genesis’ 5.1 Mix Lesson
Acoustic Gear Tour
‘King’ Video



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