
Title: Dream Theater – Distance Over Time
Released: 2019
Genre: Progressive Metal

Released: InsideOutMusic
Duration: 01:00:57
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
Audio Codec: DTS-HD 5.1, LPCM 2.0, DD 5.1
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 17904 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio 1: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Audio 2: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 8524 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio 3: English / LPCM Audio / 5.1 / 96 kHz / 13824 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 21.92 GB

“Distance Over Time” is the bands 14th studio album and debut for InsideOutMusic / Sony Music from DREAM THEATER. The two-time GRAMMY® Award nominated progressive metal band have sold over 15 million records worldwide and for this record that have approached things a little differently. For the first time, the bandmates lived, wrote & recorded together at the secluded Yonderbarn studios in Monticello, NY over the course of four months. For the new album the band wanted to return to their roots and produce a more organic record. Despite these changes however, DREAM THEATER uphold their unique signature of combining metallic aggression and progressive scope and put it in a frame of tighter song writing. “Distance Over Time” might deal with difficult topics, but it also reflects the spirit, joy and passion that DREAM THEATER put into making this album. “Distance Over Time” is available as Standard CD Jewel Case, Special Edition Digipak (incl. 1 bonus track), 180g Gaefold 2LP Edition (incl. 1 bonus track, an 8-page-LP-booklet & the entire album on CD), Ltd. Edition Artbook (incl. 1 bonus track, 5.1 mix with video animations, instrumental mixes, high res files of the album, stems for “Untethered Angel”, extended liner notes, additional artwork incl. photos from the writing session and additional video content), as Deluxe Collector’s Box Set (incl. lenticular cover card, Artbook, 180g 2 LP Gatefold Edition with exclusive artwork and an exclusive LP colour, exclusive picture 7”, 60 x 60 cm poster, 10 art cards, slipmat, patch, pin and a hand-numbered certificate of authenticity)and as Digital Album (incl. 1 bonus track).


01. Untethered Angel (5.1 mix) 00:06:14
02. Paralyzed (5.1 mix) 00:04:17
03. Fall Into The Light (5.1 mix) 00:07:04
04. Barstool Warrior (5.1 mix) 00:06:43
05. Room 137 (5.1 mix) 00:04:23
06. S2N (5.1 mix) 00:06:21
07. At Wit’s End (5.1 mix) 00:09:20
08. Out Of Reach (5.1 mix) 00:04:04
09. Pale Blue Dot (5.1 mix) 00:08:25
10. Viper King (5.1 mix) 00:04:00 (Bonus track)

Additional bonus content on Blu-ray

01. Untethered Angel (high res file) 00:06:14
02. Paralyzed (high res file) 00:04:17
03. Fall Into The Light (high res file) 00:07:04
04. Barstool Warrior (high res file) 00:06:43
05. Room 137 (high res file) 00:04:23
06. S2N (high res file) 00:06:21
07. At Wit’s End (high res file) 00:09:20
08. Out Of Reach (high res file) 00:04:04
09. Pale Blue Dot (high res file) 00:08:25
10. Viper King (high res file) 00:04:00 (Bonus track)

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