
Artist: Steve Hackett
Title Of Album: Genesis Revisited Live: Seconds Out & More
Year Of Release: 2022
Label: Inside Out Music [IOM603]
Country: UK
Genre: Progressive Rock
Quality: Blu-ray 1080
Video: MPEG-2 Video / 25229 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps
Audio: English / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: English / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4618 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Time: 03:15:43
Full Size: 43.25 GB

In September & October 2021, Steve Hackett and his band embarked on their first tour in nearly two years, this time bringing the legendary Genesis live album, ‘Seconds Out’, to life in full, alongside a host of solo favourites and tracks from his most recent studio album ‘Surrender of Silence’. Recorded & filmed in Manchester on the 24th September 2021, this set saw the band on incredible form as they ram through tracks including ‘Squonk’, ‘Supper’s Ready’ & ‘The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway’, as well as solo cuts including ‘Every Day’ & ‘The Devil’s Cathedral’. ‘Genesis Revisited Live: Seconds Out & More’ is a brilliant document of the bands triumphant return to the stage.

1. Apollo intro (live in manchester, 2021)
2. Clocks – the angel of mons (live in manchester, 2021)
3. Held in the shadows (live in manchester, 2021)
4. Every day (live in manchester, 2021)
5. The devil’s cathedral (live in manchester, 2021)
6. Shadow of the hierophant (live in manchester, 2021)
7. Squonk (live in manchester, 2021)
8. The carpet crawlers (live in manchester, 2021)
9. Robbery, assault and battery (live in manchester, 2021)
10. Afterglow (live in manchester, 2021)
11. Firth of fifth (live in manchester, 2021)
12. I know what i like (in your wardrobe) (live in manchester, 2
13. The lamb lies down on broadway (live in manchester, 2021)
14. Musical box (closing section) (live in manchester, 2021)
15. Supper’s ready (live in manchester, 2021)
16. The cinema show (live in manchester, 2021)
17. Aisle of plenty (live in manchester, 2021)
18. Dance on a volcano (live in manchester, 2021)
19. Los endos (live in manchester, 2021)

20. Behind the scenes (documentary)
21. Wingbeats (official video)5vzn
22. Fox’s tango (official video)
23. Natalia (official video)
24. Scorched earth (official video)

Steve Hackett – Guitar, Vocals
Roger King – Keyboards
Nad Sylvan – Vocals, Tambourine
Craig Blundell – Drums, Percussion, Vocals
Rob Townsend – Saxophone, Woodwind, Percussion, Vocals, Keyboards, Bass Pedals
Jonas Reingold – Bass guitar, Bass pedals, Variax, Twelve String, Vocals
With special guest Amanda Lehmann – Vocals, Guitar

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