
Title: Vola – Live from the Pool
Release Date: 2022
Genre: Progressive Metal, Math Metal

Production/Label: Mascot Label Group (Rough Trade)
Duration: 01:09:51
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: ISO
Video codec: MPEG-2 Video
Audio codec: PCM
Video: MPEG-2 Video / 30000 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps
Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 16.88 GB

In September 2021, VOLA performed an intimate show in a stunning live setting. ‘Live From The Pool’ took place at the swimming pool of the abandoned Auderød military camp in North Zealand near Copenhagen, Denmark. Designed by the world-famous architect Henning Larsen this defunct building has become part of the Auderød nature park. A place where nature encounters the mysteries of a once existing military base, ready to be explored.


01. 24 Light-Years
02. Alien Shivers
03. Head Mounted Sideways
04. Straight Lines
05. Ruby Pool
05. Owls
07. These Black Claws feat. SHAHMEN
08. Gutter Moon (October Session)
09. Ghosts
10. Smartfriend
11. Whaler
12. Inside Your Fur
13. Stray The Skies

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