
英文片名:Five Seconds of Summer: How Did We End Up Here? Live at Wembley Arena
中文片名:五秒盛夏演唱会 (2015)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:42.07 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:英文

Title: 5 Seconds of Summer: How Did We End Up Here? Live at Wembley Arena
Released: 2015

Genre: Pop Punk, Pop-Rock, Powerpop, Documentary

Directed by: Paul Caslin, David Soutar

Starring: Alex Gaskarth, Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin

Production/Label: Universal
Duration: 01:35:35

On December 3rd 2011, 5 Seconds of Summer played their first gig at The Annandale Hotel in their native Sydney, Australia. It was their first time together playing as a four piece.The rest, as they say, is history. This film is the story of four young friends (Calum, Ashton, Luke & Michael) from the western suburbs of Sydney who formed a band and got to travel to the other side of the globe sharing their music, winning awards, selling millions of records and generally conquering the world. The film includes all-access documentary footage with the band as they travel from continent to continent, telling the story of their incredible journey from that first gig in Sydney to selling out three consecutive nights at Wembley Arena. We also hear from some of the band’s inspirations, the musicians who gave them their musical education, including Chad Smith from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low, Good Charlottes’ Madden Brothers and John Feldmann. This is only just the start for 5 Seconds of Summer…


01. End Up Here
02. Don’t Stop
03. Good Girls
04. Disconnected
05. Long Way Home
06. Kiss Me Kiss Me
07. Amnesia
08. Beside You
09. Wrapped Around Your Finger
10. She Looks So Perfect
11. Permanent Vacation
12. What I Like About You

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