
Infamous for visually wild and intensely live stage shows, original Crue members Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars and Tommy Lee set a new standard with a “circus gone bad” concept spectacular all taking place under a huge circus tent stage set. The pyrotechnics are excessive and the fire-breathing midgets, seductive aerialists and demonic clowns keep the crowd roaring for more.

Shot using 20 HD cameras and never released with high definition visuals or audio before.

Over 2 hours of non-stop concert footage along with “Inside The Big Top” documentary and behind the scenes footage.

1. Opening
2. Shout At The Devil
3. Too Fast For Love
4. Ten Seconds To Love
5. Red Hot
6. On With The Show
7. Too Young To Fall In Love
8. Looks That Kill
9. Louder Than Hell
10. Live Wire
11. Girls Girls Girls
12. Wild Side
13. Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
14. Primal Scream
15. Glitter
16. Without You
17. Home Sweet Home
18. Nikkie’s Solo
19. Dr. Feelgood
20. Tommy’s Solo
21. Same Ol’ Situation
22. Tommy Cam
23. Sick Love Song
24. If I Die Tomorrow
25. Kickstart My Heart
26. Helter Skelter
27. Anarchy In the UK
Bonus Features
1. Inside The Big Top – A Motley Docruementary
2. Motley Crue’s Greatest *its
3. Meet & Greet
4. Disaster! The Movie
5. Blow It Up

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