
Artist: Testament
Title Of Album: Titans Of Creation
Year Of Release: 2022
Label: Nuclear Blast
Country: USA
Genre: Thrash Metal
Quality: Blu-ray 1080p
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 29561 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Time: 0:58:07
Full Size: 13.85 GB

The band went into a sound stage in San Francisco and filmed 11 music video style performance clips for the entire record, cut to the studio album.

TESTAMENT are and remain a power! Once again they deliver a brute and at the same time filigree Thrash Metal Manifesto, which is in no way inferior to their classics.

“The album has a lot of new stuff to offer,” explains guitarist Eric Peterson. They stay true to their roots, but mix a pleasant dose of new ingredients into their proven recipe for success. Last but not least, it is frontman Chuck Billy who always leaves his comfort zone and breathes fresh life into the new neck-breakers. Andy Sneap (ACCEPT and others) produced this stroke of genius, which hammers out of the speakers with a brute elemental force. The band is audibly in top form, just what Peterson and Skolnic deliver on their guitar is simply divine. “Titans Of Creation” – here the title is absolute program, because TESTAMENT are a phenomenon and an equally reliable constant. Crackers like the bestial opener ‘Children Of The Next Level’, the pitch-black ‘Night Of The Witch’ or the sluggish ‘City Of Angels’ are absolute gourmet pieces in Puncto Thrash. The profound lyrics are no easy fare and are about the apocalypse like in ‘WWIII’ or classic horror stuff like in ‘Dream Deceiver’: “Somebody chases you and comes for you in the night when you can’t control it anymore”.

1. Children Of The Next Level
3. Dream Deceiver
4. Night Of The Witch
5. City Of Angels
6. Ishtars Gate
7. Symptoms
8. False Prophet
9. The Healers
10. Code Of Hammurabi
11. Curse Of Osiris
12. Catacombs

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