
英文片名:The Prodigy: World’s on Fire, Live
中文片名:演唱会 (2011)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:38.94 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
英 语:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

The Prodigy: World’s on Fire
Year: 2011
Genre: Electronic, BreakbeatDescription:
The show itself is a great set – covering songs from most of The Prodigy’s releases and includes just about all of their ‘hits’. Lots of energy, great stage performance, great set lighting.. wish I could have been there!

This isn’t a typical concert video – no “smooth camera operation” going on, it’s got a rough look with cameras EVERYWHERE – in the pit, on the stage, way back in the crowd, even right next to the instruments. Thats where the video problem comes in —
Some video cameras appear to be very nice HD cameras, others appear to be the lowest quality portable cameras you could find. Everything is put into a 2.35:1 or 2.40:1 ratio which makes the lower quality even worse looking. Cuts happen constantly, and going from “great” to “good” to “average” to “poor” quality, from fast-moving cameras to static cameras, isn’t the most enjoyable thing to watch. Reminds me a lot of a Tony Stott film.

Audio is good, presented in either DTSHDMA 5.1 or uncompressed PCM.

The extras (a number of performances from different locations) would be nice, except their interrupted with voiceovers and interviews, so you can’t watch the entire performance on it’s own.


1. Intro (Live)
2. Breathe (Live)
3. Omen (Live)
4. Colours (Live)
5. Thunder (Live)
6. Warriors Dance (Live)
7. Firestarter (Live)
8. Run With The Wolves (Live)
9. Weather Experience (Live)
10. Voodoo People (Live)
11. Omen Reprise (Live)
12. Invaders Must Die (Live)
13. Smack My Bitch Up (Live)
14. Take Me To The Hospital (Live)
15. Everybody In The Place (Live)
16. Their Law (Live)
17. Out of Space (Live)

Invaders Alive – Extra Content:
1. Run With The Wolves, Brixton, London
2. Spitfire / Mescaline, Brazil
3. Breathe, Slane Castle, Ireland
4. Poison, Glastonbury, England
5. Warning, T In The Park , Scotland
6. Japanese Film
7. Smack My Bitch Up, Isle Of Wight To Download, England
8. USA Film
9. UK Arena Tour Film
10. Voodoo, Bestival and Paris, France

Production: US | The End Records
Runtime: 01:10:21 + 01:06:26

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