
◎译  名 Nine Inch Nails: Another Version of the Truth
◎片  名 Nine Inch Nails: Another Version of the Truth
◎类  别 Music
◎上映日期 2009-12-25
◎IMDb评分 8.7/10 (26人评价)
◎IMDb链接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5359348/
◎片  长 7920
◎导  演 Pier-Philippe Chevigny
Sean Patrick Dahlberg
Nicholas Eades
◎编  剧 name null
◎演  员 Alessandro Cortini
Robin Finck
Josh Freese

Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor had originally intended to film the entirety of three shows of the Lights in the Sky Tour in 3-D, using James Cameron’s 3-D team, for release on what would have been the act’s last live album. Due to Interscope Records pulling out at the last minute, the project could not be completed.,[2] and thus This One Is On Us decided to create its own single DVD release of the band’s final performance in Las Vegas on December 13, 2009.[3] However, footage of over 400 GB worth of video from the band’s following shows in Victoria (December 5), Portland (December 7), and Sacramento (December 12) was nevertheless shot by “a mysterious, shadowy group of subversives” and unofficially distributed via BitTorrent on January 7, 2009 as a Christmas/New Year gift from Reznor to fans for them to do as they wished.[4] In an immediate response to Reznor’s announcement of his abandoned project, This One Is On Us quickly downloaded the data and had begun to assemble the footage into a full-length concert film, to twin with the previously made Vegas disc. After a round of voting, Another Version of the Truth was chosen to be the project title.[5] continuing the tradition of naming Nine Inch Nails concert videos after a certain song for its associated album (And All That Could Have Been, and Beside You in Time).

While this particular project was well underway for a year, the group also worked on several other releases in the meantime, including The Downward Spiral: Live,[6] a very popular release documenting of the first out of two ever live performances of The Downward Spiral in its entirety, played on August 23, 2009, at Webster Hall in New York City. This specific project earned the group the attention of the band members themselves, who all tweeted about the release, impressed by its quality. The band’s art director Rob Sheridan also posted about it on the official Nine Inch Nails website on October 23, 2010.[7]

1. “999,999” 1:31
2. “1,000,000” 4:02
3. “Letting You” 3:54
4. “Discipline” 4:24
5. “March of the Pigs” 4:03
6. “Head Down” 4:05
7. “The Frail” 2:14
8. “The Wretched” 5:36
9. “Closer (The Only Time interpolation)” 4:32
10. “Gave Up” 4:38
11. “Corona Radiata” 1:26
12. “The Warning” 3:44
13. “Vessel” 5:57
14. “21 Ghosts III” 3:05
15. “28 Ghosts IV” 5:05
16. “19 Ghosts III” 2:42
17. “Ghosts Piggy” 6:08
18. “The Greater Good” 4:46
19. “Pinion” 0:28
20. “Wish” 3:38
21. “Terrible Lie” 5:05
22. “Survivalism” 4:25
23. “The Big Come Down” 4:03
24. “31 Ghosts IV” 2:30
25. “Only” 4:49
26. “The Hand That Feeds” 3:33
27. “Head Like a Hole” 7:31
28. “Echoplex (Trent’s Speech appendaged)” 6:59
29. “The Good Soldier” 3:41
30. “God Given” 4:25
31. “Hurt” 4:51
32. “In This Twilight (Zero-Sum outro)” 5:58

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