
英文片名:Celtic Woman: Ancient Land
中文片名:凯尔特女人演唱会 (2018)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:21.09 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕


Celtic Woman: Ancient Land (Live From Johnstown Castle)

ANCIENT LAND (the group’s 13th album) was released last year andmarks
the group’s first new studio album since their Grammy-nominated
Destiny in 2016. The album entered the Billboard World Albums Chart at#6,
making CELTIC WOMAN the only European act in the Top Ten of this chart
(eight are from Asia, with the remaining group from Australia).
Recorded at Real World Studios in the UK this past summer, ANCIENT LAND
features material that’s all new to CELTIC WOMAN including original
compositions “Follow Me,” “Be Still” and “Love & Honour”(instrumental);
Irish traditional songs–“Sive,” “Mna na hEireann (Women of Ireland)”and
“Moorlough Shore”–plus some reimagined workings of contemporary songs
such “Long Journey Home,” “Going Home”and “Homeland.”

01. Ancient Land
02. Homeland
03. Moorlough Shore
04. Ae Fond Kiss
05. Amazing Grace
06. Long Journey Home
07. Sive
08. Shenadoah
09. County Down
10. Love & Honour
11. Ballroom of Romance
12. Follow Me
13. Mná Na h╔ireann (Women Of Ireland)
14. Over The Rainbow
15. Tara’s Tunes
16. Danny Boy
17. Garden of Eden
18. Faith’s Song
19. Si·il A R·in
20. Be Still
21. Going Home
22. The Enchanted Way
23. Parting Glass


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