
英文片名:Rush: R40 – 40th Anniversary
中 文片名:演唱会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:219.30 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Rush: R40 – 40th Anniversary
Year: 2003-2013
Genre: Hard Rock, Progressive RockDescription:
2014 marks the 40th anniversary of the release of Rush’s eponymous debut album. This deluxe collector’s box set brings together live performances by Rush from each decade of their career. It includes ‘Rush in Rio,’ ‘R30,’ ‘Snakes & Arrows Live,’ ‘Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland,’ and ‘Clockwork Angels Tour,’ plus a spectacular bonus disc of previously unseen and unreleased live material stretching from 1974 to 2013. The bonus disc features over two hours of unreleased footage including their masterpiece ‘2112’ in its entirety, the Laura Secord School performance with John Rutsey from 1974 that features two unreleased Rush songs and a cover of ‘Bad Boy’ made famous by the Beatles, the closing tour film ‘I Still Love You Man’ from the Time Machine Tour with Paul Rudd & Jason Segel, and the monumental 2013 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony with Dave Grohl & Taylor Hawkins. The 6 disc set is presented in a hardcover book containing rare, unreleased photos and memorabilia.

Issued: United States | Concord Music Group

Rush in Rio (2003)

01. Tom Sawyer
02. Distant Early Warning
03. New World Man
04. Roll the Bones
05. Earthshine
06. YYZ
07. The Pass
08. Bravado
09. The Big Money
10. The Trees
11. Freewill
12. Closer to the Heart
13. Natural Science
14. One Little Victory
15. Driven
16. Ghost Rider
17. Secret Touch
18. Dreamline
19. Red Sector A
20. Leave That Thing Alone
21. O Baterista
22. Resist
23. 2112
24. Limelight
25. La Villa Strangiato
26. The Spirit of Radio
27. Encore Medley: By-Tor and the Snow Dog / Cygnus X-1 / Working Man

Rush: R30 {30th Anniversary World Tour} (2005)


R30 captures RUSH at the height of their 30th Anniversary World Tour in Frankfurt, Germany in late 2004. The R30 Blu-ray edition includes the entire R30 concert with 8 new songs, 6 of which have not previously been released, including: “YYZ” , “Trees”, “Bravado” and “BY-Tor and the Snow Dog”.

01. R30 Overture (Finding My Way / Anthem / Bastille Day / A Passage To Bangkok / Cygnus X-1 / Hemispheres)
02. The Spirit of Radio
03. Force Ten
04. Animate
05. Subdivisions
06. Earthshine
07. Red Barchetta
08. Roll the Bones
09. Bravado **
10. YYZ **
11. The Trees **
12. The Seeker
13. One Little Victory **
14. Tom Sawyer
15. Dreamline
16. Secret Touch **
17. Between the Wheels
18. Mystic Rhythms
19. Red Sector A **
20. Der Trommler
21. Resist
21. Heart Full of Soul
22. Medley: 2112 / La Villa Strangiato ** / By-Tor and the Snow Dog ** / Xanadu / Working Man
23. Summertime Blues
24. Crossroads
25. Limelight

Duration: 3:01:48

Technical Specs
BD-50 Single-Layer Disc

Video Resolution / Codec
1080i / AVC MPEG-4

Aspect Ratio (s)
1.78: 1

Audio Formats
English DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 5169 kbps / 24-bit)
English Dolby Digital 5.1 (448 kbps)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 (192 kbps)

Subtitles / Captions


Rush: Snakes and Arrows Live (2007)


Filmed over two performances in Rotterdam, Holland in October of 2007, Rush’s new Blu-ray Snakes & Arrows Live captures the legendary band in peak form, performing classic Rush material and nine new songs from their critically acclaimed 2007 CD Snakes & Arrows. Bonus footage of four songs added for their 2008 American tour, including “Ghost of a Chance,” filmed here for the first time.

Since the release of their eponymous first LP in 1974, Rush has continually expanded the definition of “progressive power trio.” Guitarist Alex Lifeson, bassist / keyboardist / vocalist Geddy Lee and drummer / lyricist Neil Peart combine dazzling virtuosity, laser-beam intensity and unbridled creativity to create a cohesive whole that’s infinitely greater than its parts. The Toronto-based group has become one of Canada’s leading exports, with a catalog of genre-defining releases including 2112, Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, Vapour Trails and Snakes & Arrows and a live show which combines musicianship, showmanship and multi-media effects that engage all the senses. Following their previous best-selling DVDs Rush in Rio and R30, Snakes & Arrows Live presents a band not resting on its considerable laurels but still earning its reputation as one of the world’s best live bands – one night at a time.

01. Limelight
02. Digital Man
03. Entre Nous
04. Mission
05. Freewill
06. The Main Monkey Business
07. The Larger Bowl
08. Secret Touch
09. Circumstances
10. Between the Wheels
11. Dreamline
12. Far Cry
13. Workin ‘Them Angels
14. Armor and Sword
15. Spindrift
16. The Way the Wind Blows
17. Subdivisions
18. Natural Science
19. Witch Hunt
20. Malignant Narcissism – De Slagwerke
21. Hope
22. Distant Early Warning
23. The Spirit of Radio
24. Tom Sawyer
25. One Little Victory
26. A Passage to Bangkok
27. YYZ

Duration: 2:49:21

BDInfo Report: Disc 3

Technical Specs
BD-50 Dual-Layer Disc

Video Resolution / Codec
1080i / AVC MPEG-4

Aspect Ratio (s)
1.78: 1

Audio Formats
English DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 5338 kbps / 24-bit)
English LPCM 2.0 (48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit)

Subtitles / Captions

Oh, Atlanta! The Authorized Bootlegs
(1) Ghost of a Chance (2) Red Barchetta (3) The Trees (4) 2112 / The Temples of Syrinx

Rush: Time Machine, Live in Cleveland (2011)


Rush’s Time Machine shows in 2010/2011 were one of the most anticipated tours ever. Celebrating 30 years since the 1981 release of their classic bestselling album Moving Pictures the band performed the entire album live for the first time as the centrepiece of the concerts. The shows also featured favourite tracks from across their lengthy career and two new songs expected to feature on their next studio album.

01. The “Real” History of Rush Episode No.2 “Do not Be Rash”
02. The Spirit of Radio
03. Time Stand Still
04. Presto
05. Stick it Out
06. Workin ‘Them Angels
07. Leave That Thing Alone
08. Faithless
09. BU2B
10. Freewill
11. Marathon
12. Subdivisions
13. The “Real” History of Rush Episode No.17 “… and Rock and Roll is my name.”
14. Tom Sawyer
15. Red Barchetta
16. YYZ
17. Limelight
18. The Camera Eye
19. Witch Hunt
20. Vital Signs
21. Caravan
22. Moto Perpetuo (featuring Love For Sale)
23. O’Malley’s Break
24. Closer to the Heart
25. 2112 Overture / The Temple of Syrinx
26. Far Cry
27. La Villa Strangiato
28. Working Man

Duration: 2:42:54

BDInfo Report: Disc 4

Technical Specs
BD-50 Dual-Layer Disc

Video Resolution / Codec
1080p / AVC MPEG-4

Aspect Ratio (s)
1.78: 1

Audio Formats
English DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 3112 kbps / 16-bit)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 (192 kbps)

Subtitles / Captions

Outtakes from “History Of Rush Episodes 2 & 17”
“Tom Sawyer” featuring the cast of “The” Real “History of Rush Episode 17”
“Need Some Love” live at Laura Secord Secondary School
“Anthem” Live from Passaic, New Jersey

Rush: Clockwork Angels Tour (2013)


Rush Clockwork Angels Tour captures the Rock & Roll Hall of Famers’ 2012-2013 sold-out tour from a unique point-of-view approach to filmmaking utilizing distinct composition and a voyeuristic style that at varying moments puts the viewer on the stage, at the side of the stage, and throughout the arena. For the first time ever the legendary band (Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart) was accompanied on this tour by an eight-piece string section! This electrifying 2-DVD or single Blu-ray concert (both formats contain the same content) features over 3 hours of music including favorites Tom Sawyer and The Spirit of Radio, 3 drum solos, new string arrangements of classics such as YYZ, Dreamline and Red Sector A, and rarely performed songs such as The Body Electric and Middletown Dreams. Extensive bonus features include a full version of Limelight from soundcheck and an exclusive backstage documentary shot throughout Europe. With over 40 million albums sold worldwide and more consecutive gold and platinum awards than any other rock band following The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, Rush remains one of the most inventive, compelling, and relevant musical groups today.

01. Subdivisions
02. The Big Money
03. Force Ten
04. Grand Designs
05. The Body Electric
06. Territories
07. The Analog Kid
08. Bravado
09. Where’s My Thing? / Here It Is! (Drum solo)
10. Far Cry
11. Caravan
12. Clockwork Angels
13. The Anarchist
14. Carnies
15. The Wreckers
16. Headlong Flight / Drumbastica
17. Peke’s Repose (guitar solo) / Halo Effect)
18. Seven Cities of Gold
19. Wish Them Well
20. The Garden
21. Dreamline
22. The Percussor (I) Binary Love Theme (II) Steambanger’s Ball (drum solo)
23. Red Sector A
24. YYZ
25. The Spirit of Radio
26. Tom Sawyer
27. 2112

Duration: 3:03:30

BDInfo Report: Disc 5

Technical Specs
BD-50 Dual-Layer Disc

Video Resolution / Codec
1080i / AVC MPEG-4

Aspect Ratio (s)
1.78: 1

Audio Formats
English DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 4902 kbps / 24-bit)
English Dolby Digital 2.0 (192 kbps)

Subtitles / Captions

Bonus tracks: (1) Limelight (soundcheck recording) (2) Middletown Dreams (3) The Pass (4) Manhattan Project
Can not Stop Thinking Big (tour documentary)
Behind The Scenes (featuring Jay Baruchel)
Interview with Dwush
Family Goy
Family Sawyer
The Watchmaker
Office of The Watchmaker

R40 Bonus Disc

BDInfo Report: Disc 6

Laura Secord Secondary School 1974
1. Need Some Love
2. Before and After
3. Best I Can
4. I’ve Been Runnin ‘
5. Bad Boy
6. The Loser
7. Working Man
8. In the Mood (partial)
Capitol Theatre in 1976
1. Bastille Day
2. Anthem
3. Lakeside Park
4. 2112
5. Fly By Night / In the Mood
Lock and Key 1988
Molson Amphitheatre 1997
1. Limelight
2. Half the World
3. Limbo
4. Virtuality
5. Nobody’s Hero
6. Test for Echo
7. Leave That Thing Alone / Drum Solo
8. 2112 (all seven parts)
I Still Love You Man 2011
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction 2013
1. 2112 featuring Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Nick Raskulinecz
2. Tom Sawyer
3. The Spirit of Radio

Gold distribution

1700892428-a45b01724a22d1c 1700892429-aebb37034aa910a 1700892430-c11e937d8804917 1700892430-8f9ac2484ee121b 1700892431-35cb0d00ab765a0 1700892432-a63cecf5e09d8ba 1700892433-d6f37f1373e8930


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