
英文片名:Incognito: Live in London – 35th Anniversary Show
中文片名:Incognito演唱会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:22.26 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.0
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Incognito: Live in London – 35th Anniversary Show
Release year: 2014
Genre: Jazz Funk, Soul, R & B, Acid Jazz, Club Jazz, Dance Pop
Director: Tim Sidwell
Artist: Jean-Paul “Bluey” Maunick – Bandleader, Guitar, Percussion, Vocals; Tony Momrelle – Percussion, Vocals; Vanessa Haynes – Percussion, Vocals; Mario Biondi – Vocals; Katie Leone – Percussion, Vocals; Mo Brandis – Vocals; Gail Evans – Vocals; Imaani – Vocals; Carleen Anderson – Vocals; João Caetano – Congas, Percussion; Matthew Cooper – Keyboards, Music Direction, Percussion; Jamie Anderson – Saxophone; Sid Gauld – Flugelhorn, Percussion, Trumpet; Nigel Hitchcock-Saxophone; Francis Hylton – Bass, Percussion; Francesco Mendolia – Drums; Kevin Robinson – Flugelhorn, Trumpet; Francisco Sales – Guitar, Percussion; Rowland Sytherland – Flute; Alistair White – Trombone


On July 12, 2014, Incognito threw a party that will surely be remembered for years to come. To celebrate the band’s 35th anniversary in style, Incognito performed at London’s O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire and invited friends, family and fans to join them for a wild night out. With guest performances by genre and music companion Mario Biondi, American soul diva Carleen Anderson and friends from the former and current times like Mo Brandis and Imaani, Incognito plucked out songs from their 17 studio albums for an amazing performance, delivered in style, with Passion, with soul and with heart.

Formed in 1979 and having been successful for over 35 years now, the global phenomenon behind mastermind Jean-Paul ‘Bluey’ Maunick, presented the band’s biggest ever hits like their # 6 UK single charts success “Always There”, their first single ever “Parisienne Girl “as well as recent songs like” Goodbye To Yesterday “, fan favourites and songs. The memorable gig brought the essentials of Incognito, the jazz, blues, funk, soul, latin and dance together for a perfect blend. Adds Bluey: “For those of you who join us for this celebration, this will hopefully bring back the fond memories and make a great souvenir of the night! And for those who could not attend the show, here’s what you missed … Enjoy! “The songs are just as remarkable on the HD live video as on CD – a great emotional atmosphere where to feel that Incognito loves and lives the music.

Embedded with funky grooves and huge soulful voices, this music experience will definitely give you goose bumps in its quieter parts and animate you to lose control in the up tempo ones. So it’s time now to turn up the volume and dance!

01. The 25th Chapter
02. Hats
03. Silver Shadow
04. Hands Up (If You Wanna Be Loved)
05. Is not It Time
06. It’s Just One Of Those Things
07. Roots
08. Giving It Up
09. Still A Friend Of Mine (feat. Imaani)
10. Rapture (feat. Imaani)
11. Parisienne Girl
12. Goodbye To Yesterday (feat.Mo Brandis)
13. Good Love
14. Tin Man (feat. Carleen Anderson)
15. Another Way (feat Carleen Anderson)
16. Brazilian Love Affair
17. Lowdown (feat. Mario Biondi)
18. This Is What You Are (feat. Mario Biondi)
19. As
20. Always There
21. Never Known A Love Like This
22. Harvest For The World

Issued: United Kingdom | E • a • r MUSIC / Edel Germany GmbH
Duration: 2:08:03


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