
Title: Gustav Mahler – Complete Symphonies 1-10, Totenfeier, Das Lied von der Erde
Release Date: 2012
Genre: Classical

Production/Label: RCO Live
Duration: 15h (01:00:06 + 01:29:38 + 01:43:06 + 01:00:46 + 01:16:05 + 01:37:01 + 01:19:49 + 01:26:33 + 01:32:00 + 01:17:01 + 24:17 + 01:07:44)
Quality: Blu-ray
Container: BDMV
Video codec: AVC
Audio codec: LPCM, DTS-HD
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / ~20000 kbps / 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio#1: DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.0 / 96 kHz / ~6000 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
Audio#2: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Size: 216,52 GB

The videos in this boxed set of live HD recordings of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra were filmed during the 2009-2011 Mahler celebration at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw. The set’s eleven discs include performances led by renowned conductors such as Daniele Gatti, Bernard Haitink, Pierre Boulez and Ivan Fischer. In addition to all ten of Mahler’s ground-breaking Symphonies, the collection also includes Totenfeier and Das Lied von der Erde and features world class soloists including soprano Miah Persson, mezzo Bernarda Fink and tenor Robert Dean Smith. All of this amazing music is vividly brought to life in surround sound and lifelike high resolution video.

BD 1: Symphony No. 1 in D major (1884-1888, rev. 1906) [60:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Daniel Harding
rec. 30 September 2009

BD 2: Symphony No. 2 in C minor ‘Resurrection’ (1888-1894; revised edition by Renate Stark-Voit & Gilbert Kaplan) [90:00]
Ricarda Merbeth (soprano)
Bernarda Fink (mezzo)
Netherlands Radio Choir
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Mariss Jansons
rec. 3 December 2009

BD 3: Symphony No. 3 in D minor (1893-1896, rev. 1906, K. H. Füssl Edition) [103:00]
Bernarda Fink (mezzo)
Netherlands Radio Choir
Boys of the Breda Sacrament Choir
Rijnmond Boys Choir
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Mariss Jansons
rec. 3-4 February 2010

BD 4: Symphony No. 4 in G major (1899-1900) [61:00]
Miah Persson (soprano)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Iván Fischer
rec. 22-23 April 2010

BD 5: Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor (1901-1902) [76:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Daniele Gatti
rec. 25 June 2010

BD 6: Symphony No. 6 in A minor ‘Tragic’ (1903-1904, rev. 1906) [97:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Lorin Maazel
rec. 20 October 2010

BD 7: Symphony No. 7 in E minor (1904-1905) [80:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Pierre Boulez
rec. 20-21 January 2011

BD 8: Symphony No. 8 in E flat major ‘Symphony of a Thousand’ (1906) [87:00]
Una poenitentium – Camilla Nylund (soprano)
Magna peccatrix – Christine Brewer (soprano)
Mater gloriosa – Maria Espada (soprano)
Mulier samaritana – Stephanie Blythe (alto I)
Maria aegyptiaca – Mihoko Fujimura (alto II)
Doctor marianus – Robert Dean Smith (tenor)
Pater ecstaticus – Tommi Hakala (baritone)
Pater profundus – Stefan Kocán (bass)
Bavarian Radio Chorus, Netherlands Radio Choir, Latvian State Choir, National Children’s Choir, National Children’s Choir (Junior)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Mariss Jansons
rec. 4 & 6 March 2011

BD 9: Symphony No. 9 in D major (1908-1909) [93:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Bernard Haitink
rec. 13 & 15 May 2011

BD 10: Symphony No. 10 in F sharp minor/major (1910) (ed. Deryck Cooke) [77:00]
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Eliahu Inbal
rec. 30 June 2011

BD 11: Totenfeier (1888) [25:00]
Das Lied von der Erde (1908-1909)* [68:00]
*Anna Larsson (alto)
*Robert Dean Smith (tenor)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra/Fabio Luisi
rec. 18 & 20 May 2011

All live recordings taken from the 2009-2011 Mahler celebration at Amsterdam Concertgebouw


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