
Artist: Michael Schenker Group
Title Of Album: Immortal – Live At Bang Your Head 2019
Year Of Release: 2021
Label: Nuclear Blast
Country: Germany
Genre: Hard Rock,Heavy Metal
Quality: Blu-ray 1080p
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 19999 kbps / 1080p / 24 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Time: 02:20:52
Full Size: 22.73 GB

MSG is a legendary name. After two phenomenal records under the guise of Michael Schenker Fest, a true guitar hero is returning to his roots. By forming Michael Schenker Group (MSG) back in 1979, Michael Schenker laid the foundations for one of hard rock’s most glorious solo careers of all times. And while nobody expected anything less from a former guitarist for Scorpions and UFO, it’s close to impossible mentioning everything Michael has built over the past 50 years, or the countless people he influenced or played with. This, truly, is the stuff that hard rocking myths are made of.

Right in time for his 40th anniversary as a solo artist and his 50th birthday as a musician, he resurrects the immortal Michael Schenker Group. “Immortal” is also the name of his new album, recorded by likely the strongest line-up in his long history. Its a lightning bolt of an album that sounds fresh, bloodthirsty and agile. “Immortal” showcases the gargantuan vocal talents of Chilean hard rock prodigy Ronnie Romero (Rainbow), backed by singers Ralf Scheepers (Primal Fear), Joe Lynn Turner (ex-Deep Purple) as well as Schenker’s brother in arms, Michael Voss (Mad Max) who again produced the record alongside Michael Schenker – flawlessly, punchy and at full steam as if their very lives depended on it.

Live At Bang Your Head 2019:
01. Holiday
02. Doctor Doctor
03. Into The Arena
04. Ready To Rock
05. Attack Of The Mad Axeman
06. Messin’ Around
07. Armed And Ready
08. Coast To Coast
09. Dancer
10. Desert Song
11. Night Moods
12. Assault Attack
13. Captain Nemo
14. Save Yourself
15. Anytime
16. Heart & Soul
17. Love Is Not A Game
18. Vigilante Man
19. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely
20. Girl With The Stars In Her Eyes
21. Take Me To The Church
22. Warrior
23. Rock Bottom
24. Shoot Shoot
25. Natural Thing
26. Lights Out

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