
导演: Michael Angus, Murray Fredericks
编剧: Michael Angus
主演: Murray Fredericks
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 澳大利亚
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2009
片长: 28分钟
又名: 艾爾湖行紀 / 鹽漠 / 盐

剧情简介 :
SALT is the story of award winning and internationally renowned photographer, Murray Fredericks on his annual solo pilgrimage to the heart of Lake Eyre in the remote north corner of South Australia. It is a piece on the personal journey of the artist, the creative process and the landscape itself. Alone on the most featureless landscape on earth, Murray’s personal video diary captures the beauty of this bleak, empty and desolate environment – and provides the catalyst for an unexpected personal transformation. Told with subtlety, care and gentle dry humor, SALT is the story of what emanates from emptiness. By combining the breathtaking imagery of this surreal landscape with the hauntingly delicate sounds of Aajinta’s “Harmonic Sphere’s, it attempts to identify what lies beneath the surface of our reality and how ‘something’ can be produced from ‘nothing’. SALT interweaves Murray’s sublime pictures… Written by Michael Angus.

[2009][澳大利亚][盐漠][1.09G][百度盘]插图1 [2009][澳大利亚][盐漠][1.09G][百度盘]插图2 [2009][澳大利亚][盐漠][1.09G][百度盘]插图3 [2009][澳大利亚][盐漠][1.09G][百度盘]插图4


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