《罗马:帝国的崛起和衰亡 Rome:Rise and Fall of an Empire》[1080P][第一季共20集 英语中字][百度网盘]插图



Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E01_Caligula_ 1400 Days of Terror
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E02_Roman Vice
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E03_Pompeii Secrets Revealed
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E04_Gladiators_ Blood Sport
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E05_Pompeii_ Buried Alive
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E06_Rome_s Hidden Empire #6
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E06_The Dacian Wars
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E07_Rome_s Lost Harbor
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E08_The First Barbarian War
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E09_Spartacus
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E10_Julius Caesar
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E11_The Forest Of Death
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E12_The Invasion Of Britain
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E13_Rebellion And Betrayal
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E14_Wrath Of The Gods
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E15_The Soldier_s Emperor
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E16_Constantine
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E17_The Barbarian General
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E18_The Puppet Master
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E19_The Last Emperor
Rome_ Rise and Fall Season 1_S01E20_Weapons Of The Gladiators


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