[BD欧美演唱会][米高·黑金斯 音乐纪录片 Michael Hutchence – Mystifiy 2019][BDMV][43.6GB][百度网盘]插图

Michael Hutchence – Mystify
Sello: Shout! Factory LLC – SF20767
País: US
Publicado: 2019
Género: Rock

Michael Hutchence came to epitomise the very definition of leather-clad, sexually magnetic rock front man, but underneath it all he was a poetic and gentle soul. While seducing the world s most desirable women, his childhood sweetheart remained a life-long confidante until the day he died. His famously uninhibited stage performances were only made possible when protecting himself from the audience in a myopic out-of-focus cocoon. The film presents an intimate narrative portrait imbued with authenticity, warmth and humour as Michael s friends, lovers, band-members, family, collaborators – and Hutchence himself – guide us through a trajectory from unconventional fractured childhood to charismatic, turbulent and ultimately tragic public stardom; the quintessential Rock God.


[BD欧美演唱会][米高·黑金斯 音乐纪录片 Michael Hutchence – Mystifiy 2019][BDMV][43.6GB][百度网盘]插图1 [BD欧美演唱会][米高·黑金斯 音乐纪录片 Michael Hutchence – Mystifiy 2019][BDMV][43.6GB][百度网盘]插图2 [BD欧美演唱会][米高·黑金斯 音乐纪录片 Michael Hutchence – Mystifiy 2019][BDMV][43.6GB][百度网盘]插图3



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